Senior Training


To our senior friends, we offer the opportunity to get to know the basics of our sport through individual or group training sessions organized for either Members or Non-Members, with priority to be given to Members.


Individual training sessions: 

If you want to develop specific skills and/or interested in a complete workout with the best cardio workout you can get in only 1 hour, then you should contact us to reserve a coach and court.

Training sessions are offered on weekdays from 17:00-21:00 and Saturday mornings from 09:00-13:00 on a first comes first serve basis and according to court availability.

The cost for individual training sessions is set to €15 being the coaching fee plus the court fee, payable to Nicosia Squash Association.


Group training sessions:  

There is always an easier and less intense way to learn about squash and enjoy the sport through our group sessions!

Training groups are formed based on player’s skills and abilities with maximum of 3 players per session/court. For larger groups, both courts may be reserved.

Training sessions may be offered on weekdays from 19:00-21:00 and Saturday mornings from 09:00-13:00 and they are set as the groups are formed and according to court availability.

The cost for group training sessions is set to €45 and it includes coaching fees and court fees payable to Nicosia Squash Association.